lecture with Jenny Evans at Ocean Studios, Plymouth for social media

Unleashing the Power of Social Media: Insights from Jenny Evans

Last Wednesday, our Instinct team had the privilege of attending a remarkable talk at Ocean Studios. Jenny Evans, with her boundless enthusiasm and wisdom, shed light on how creatives can leverage social media to propel their careers. Her insights were like a breath of fresh air, delivered in a friendly and straightforward manner. Here are the key takeaways from her inspiring talk.

1. Nobody Cares More Than You Do

As the person behind the posts, it's natural to want everything to be perfect. But here's the thing – perfection is overrated. Social media is an ever-evolving landscape where posts come and go, and not everyone will like what you share. Once it's out there, don't stress about it. What matters is that you're creating and sharing content you're passionate about.

2. Accountability Matters

Jenny stressed the importance of having someone to hold you accountable. It's a lot easier to get things done when you have a support system. This person can also be your go-to when things get tough or boring. Together, you can navigate the challenges of social media with a united front.

3. Stay Organized

Organization is the key to maintaining a consistent and engaging online presence. Use apps that help you categorize themes and subcategories, ensuring your content stays fresh and relevant. This not only streamlines your content creation but also helps you keep track of what's coming next.

4. Give Back to Your Followers

One of the most effective ways to keep people coming back to your social media page is by giving back. Share links, offer discounts, and highlight your followers' work. Not only does this show appreciation, but it also keeps you in their thoughts. It's a win-win situation – you support your audience, and they support you in return.

5. Be Selective with Your Platforms

Jenny's advice was crystal clear – don't spread yourself too thin across multiple platforms. Instead, choose one or a few platforms that you genuinely enjoy and understand. Being active and engaged on platforms you're passionate about will save you from feeling overwhelmed and will keep you motivated.

Remember, the key is to create content you'd want to watch yourself. When you're genuinely excited about what you're sharing, it shows, and it's far more likely to resonate with your audience.

Jenny's talk has been an eye-opener for our Instinct team. It's illuminated our missteps and provided a roadmap for improvement on the social media landscape. We're now more eager than ever to put her valuable insights into practice and carve out our niche in the digital world.

We'd like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Jenny for her enlightening talk and to Rob at Ocean Studios for inviting us and providing this fantastic opportunity for growth. The journey ahead looks brighter, and we can't wait to share it with our followers.

In conclusion, the power of social media is in your hands. Embrace the imperfections, hold yourself accountable, stay organized, give back to your followers, and focus on the platforms that resonate with you. With these insights, your social media journey is bound to be a rewarding one.

If you'd like to dive deeper into what we've learned from Jenny Evans' talk or offer us some valuable feedback, please feel free to drop us a message on our Instagram. We're always eager to connect with our audience and continue the conversation. Your input is greatly appreciated!

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