• Beth Munro

    I’m a printmaker that lives and works by the sea. I use diverse printing processes to reflect everyday observations and my environmental concerns in the marine world. I walk with my dog everyday on the beach, collecting flotsam and jetsam thrown up by the tide, this is my inspiration.

  • Jude Rose Smith

    My artistic practice revolves around the nude body as a site for the expression of our most base

    desires. I utilise the figure to portray narratives around conflict and seduction, as well as allowing

    for an analysis of the history of nude depiction in Western art history.

  • Grace Beswick

    I am a printmaker based between Staffordshire and Plymouth, having recently graduated from

    Arts University Plymouth. I work in response to my photography through experiments with digital

    software, to prepare designs for traditionally produced outcomes. My work moves between levels

    of abstraction and figuration to challenge ways of representing the original image.